

Why Accreditation Matters

Feb 28, 2014 | 8:00 am
Academic Resources
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acreeditationIn recent years there has been a proliferation of online educational institutions, all of which promise a better future to prospective students. Many of these colleges, universities, and schools operate above-board and respectable institutions. They have taken steps necessary to ensure that their curricula meet the requirements to successfully impart the coursework to their students. They have also demonstrated a real desire and ability to educate. These institutions become accredited, meaning they receive the stamp-of-approval from an independent third party, saying that the institution is a worthy educational organization.

Why Accreditation Matters

On the other side of the coin, in opposition to the above-board learning institutions just mentioned, there has also been an increase in institutions which promise students the world, when in reality they can’t even offer basic education. By and large these kinds of institutions, which may not be capable of imparting the knowledge and skills implied in the coursework, are not accredited. This shows us why being accredited is important. An accredited school is far more likely to lead its students to success, and less likely to be a scam or incompetent organization.

What Happens when Someone Studies with an Unaccredited School?

Studying with an unaccredited school can have a variety of consequences, some more serious than others. For starters, unaccredited schools have not had their curricula approved, meaning the institution may not actually be teaching the students correctly. This can result in lost time and effort on the part of students, as they take time to study material only to learn it is outdated, incorrect, or erroneous.

A more serious consequence of studying with an unaccredited school is the possibility of being the victim of a scam, including identity theft. In recent years a number of educational organizations have come under the scrutiny of federal and state prosecutors for having misled students. In some cases the organizations seemed to be a front, offering very little educational value at all. They have been accused of looking for students among the population in homeless shelters, only to convince them to come to the school and obtain a student loan. These “schools” were only interested in money, and often times falsified attendance records and grade reports.

What are the Benefits of Studying at an Accredited School?

Studying at an accredited school gives peace of mind because the student knows that they are far more likely to receive the education that they need so that they can progress in their lives. When studying to get your high school diploma, attending classes with an accredited educational organization is the best way to ensure you will graduate with all the knowledge and skills needed to go on to the next level of your life.

At MyFastDiploma.com we only work with schools which are fully accredited. This means that your diploma cannot be bought, it must be earned. You can walk into a job interview with your head held high, knowing that you worked hard and passed your courses in a legitimate manner: by studying hard, learning, and overcoming. We would like to talk to you about your options to study for a high school diploma with one of our accredited partner schools. Give us a call now at 888-627-5167.