

How Much Does Getting An Online Diploma Cost?

Feb 24, 2014 | 8:00 am
GED Technology
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online-diplomaSadly, finances may be preventing you from continuing and/or completing the next level of your education.  But in reality, that doesn’t necessarily need to be the case.  Let’s take a look at the true costs of getting an online diploma.

Time is going to be your greatest expense since you’ll need to invest in studying.  Also keep in mind that the General Education Development (GED) test itself takes approximately 7 hours to complete.

The three main factors to consider when deciding to get your GED diploma include:

  1. Whether it will be Canadian or American;
  2. If the coursework is classroom based; and
  3. The jurisdiction where you plan on getting it.

Based on the above, total fees involved can be as high as $500.

While a slight variation in amount occurs from state to state, there are two major fees involved with acquiring your GED.  The first is a state fee, which can range anywhere from $50 to $100, is required upfront and is usually non-refundable.  The second fee is a site fee, which averages $100.   This fee is used to defray costs on material, payments made to individuals who read and score the essay portion of the exam, and administration costs.  Give or take a few dollars, the average total cost is usually about $150, although it’s important to note that an additional fee may be charged if any part of the GED test must be re-taken.

Testing fees are determined by each individual testing center, and the State GED Office does not maintain a master list of these fees per location. You will need to call each testing center  to find out the fees associated with taking the exam there.

The GED test focuses on important concepts and general academic skills, as well as knowledge on individual subjects.  Most of the questions on the test determine how individuals comprehend reading material, as well as how they analyze and evaluate information to drawconclusions.

The 5 test sections include writing skills, social studies, reading skills, science and mathematics.  Each section is 50 questions.  An official GED exam must be taken in person at a state-approved facility but there are plenty of free pre-testing options available for studying on your own time.  For example, a GED test prep book may cost you about $30, but there is no reason that you can’t find one for free, by borrowing it from your local library.

GED fees can be reduced, if an individual is receiving Public Assistance (such as CAAP, Food Stamps, TANF, Medi-Cal or Unemployment Benefits) or if it has determined, by a student counselor or an educational instructor, that a person is in need of financial assistance to obtain their GED diploma.