

The Online High School Trends to Notice

Online education is a trend being embraced by a large number of the nation’s high school students. This is a trend that is becoming increasingly available and used around the U.S., taking the classroom experience away, and allowing high school students to learn from the comfort of their home. Some of the biggest trends surrounding […]



The Major Problems with Standardized Testing

With the school year underway, many parents are breathing a sigh of relief that all of their kids are passing their subjects – after all that is the goal, right? However, there are several concerns that loom ahead for the continued educational growth of your child. What is the process of learning that your child […]



Study from Home – The Future of Post Grade School Learning

The concept of homeschooling of grade school children elicits a variety of reactions when it is mentioned in most social circles, and rarely is any of those reactions very favorable. Some people laugh it off as something that socially awkward and overprotective parents force on their children, while others see it as a detriment to […]