Study from Home – The Future of Post Grade School Learning
The concept of homeschooling of grade school children elicits a variety of reactions when it is mentioned in most social circles, and rarely is any of those reactions very favorable. Some people laugh it off as something that socially awkward and overprotective parents force on their children, while others see it as a detriment to […]

5 Benefits of an Online High School Education
If you’re thinking about going back to high school, you may have a few doubts about whether or not to take the plunge. If you’re not sure it’s worth the time and effort, take a look at a few of these benefits of going back to school. More Money It’s no secret that people who […]

Adult High School – Why Choose An Online High School Over a GED
To determine whether you should get a GED® certificate or a high school diploma, you first need to understand the differences and what your end goals are.

The #1 Reason to Go Back And Get Your High School Diploma
There are many predetermined milestones that a person is expected to achieve in their lifetime. Graduating from high school is one of those milestones. Because of this, when you drop out of school, there’s a sense of something missing or an incompleteness. The thing is, you’re not alone. Each year one million teenagers quit attending […]

5 Benefits of An Online High School Program
Going back to get your high school diploma is more important than ever. Standards for basic employment and even for joining the military are rising. Consider this – a high school dropout is ineligible for 90% of US jobs. That’s a large amount of missed opportunities. The great news is that it really is easier […]

Celebs Who Have Gone Back to School
Whatever the reason for dropping out, getting a high school education can help you feel more accomplished in life. Consider these five celebrities who felt their high school education was important enough to complete, even after achieving fame. Mark Wahlberg Before making a career in the entertainment industry, Mark Wahlberg, had a rough childhood that […]

Finding A Way To Finish High School
There’s a fable about the crow and the pitcher that showcases the idea behind the phrase “necessity is the mother of all invention.” One day, a crow happens upon a pitcher containing some water. The crow, being incredibly thirsty, tries to drink the water. However, the water is too low in the pitcher and the […]

The Real Expense of Dropping Out of High School
So what’s the true expense of dropping out of high school? We explore the real cost of not having a high school diploma.

Goal Planning – Tips to Ensure Your Success
You can’t get anywhere in life without some sort of plan. Imagine getting ready to take a trip without having a destination in mind. Your life choices are a reflection of the goals you set and the priorities you have assigned for yourself. If you spend your life on autopilot, you shouldn’t really be surprised […]

Best Places to Study for Your Online High School Diploma
When it comes to studying material for an online class, your options are virtually endless. Here we take a look at some of the pros and cons of various places you can study.